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Matt Cutts beantwortet Fragen auf Google-Video

1 Mario

Hier könnt ihr ihn live erleben mit folgenden Themen:

# Session 1: Including qualities of a good site.
# Session 2: Including some SEO Myths.
# Session 3: Should you Optimize for Search Engines or for Users?

viel Spaß

LG von Mario

31.07.2006 15:39 | geändert: 01.08.2006 16:37

2 Mario

weitere Videos sind veröffentlicht:

Session 4:

- Static vs. Dynamic urls: does PageRank flow the same to both? What pitfalls should I avoid with dynamic urls?
- Can Sitemaps alert webmasters when their site has been hacked?
- Can I do geotargetting within Google’s Quality Guidelines?

Session 5: (and I change the background to look less kidnapped!)

- Merging acquired domains with 301s?
- How to create a site architecture with themes and keywords?
- My urls have too many parameters–can I serve up static HTML to Googlebot instead?
- How to do split A/B testing?

Session 6: All about Supplemental Results

- Should I worry about results estimates for 1) supplemental results 2) using the site: operator 3) with negated terms and 4) special syntax such as intitle: ? Answer: No. That’s pretty far off the beaten path.
- Why do 301s take so long to be reflected in supplemental results? It’s been months.
- I started appearing in the supplemental results in May–should I be worried?

LG von Mario

01.08.2006 16:00

3 Mario

Session 7: (in which I start out with a fake commercial)

- Does Google Analytics play a part in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages)?
- When does Google detect duplicate content, and how wide is the range?
- I want to mark my page as porn in SafeSearch–what do you recommend?
- Is it okay to make hyperlinks in option elements?

Session 8: Google Terminology

- What’s the difference between an index update, an algorithm update, and a data refresh?
- I also discuss these definitions in terms of June/July 27th as much as I can.

LG von Mario

02.08.2006 15:03

4 Mario

Session 9: All about datacenters (and find out about werewolves vs. unicorns!)

- Can you tell us a little bit about Google datacenters?
- Should all datacenters on the same Class C block be roughly the same?

Session 10: Lightning Round!

- Is it possible to search just for home pages?
- News Flash: you can use strong and em instead of bold (b) and italics (i) !
- Will we ever see kitty posts again?
- What are Google SSD, Google RS2, and all those other things Tony Ruscoe found?
- Does Google rank blog sites any differently than regular websites?
- Does Google treat .gov.pl links with the same weight as regular .gov links?

LG von Mario

03.08.2006 14:05

5 Mario

Session 11: Reinclusion requests

Matt and Emmy answer Google Questions:
- How do I do a reinclusion request?
- What should I put into a reinclusion request?
- What does Google need to know before it reincludes a site in its index?

Session 12: Tips for Search Engine Strategies (SES) San Jose 2006

- What tips and tricks do you recommend for Search Engine Strategies (SES) San Jose?
- What sessions do you definitely plan to attend?

07.08.2006 12:47 | geändert: 07.08.2006 14:21

6 Mario

hier findest Du die entsprechenden Video-Botschaften in schriftlicher Form.

LG von Mario

08.08.2006 12:31 | geändert: 08.08.2006 12:32

7 Mario

Session 13: Google Webmaster Tools

google.com/support can answer general user questions.

http://www.google.com/webmasters/ provides tools to
- tell Google that www.domain.com and domain.com are the same
- test out robots.txt files
- discover crawl errors that Googlebot saw
- see some spam penalties

LG von Mario

08.08.2006 12:34

8 Jörg Kruse

hier findest Du die entsprechenden Video-Botschaften in schriftlicher Form.

Finde ich gut, dass man die Erläuterungen von Matt Cutts auch nachlesen kann

08.08.2006 19:11

9 Mario

Session 14: Recap of SES San Jose 2006:

A short review of news from SES San Jose, and some educational or funny moments.

- Industry news
- People I got to meet and didn’t get to meet
- Some of the changes happening to people or companies recently
- Fun moments

LG von Mario

29.08.2006 16:26

10 Mario

Session 15: Data center comments

A combination of review and weather update for datacenters as of August 23rd, 2006. Some comments on:
- data refreshes on June 27th, July 27th, and August 17th 2006
- Bigdaddy
- Supplemental Results
- Infrastructure that improves quality and gives more accurate site: results estimates

Plus a short reminder that
- results estimates for site: are just estimates, with some reminders of their limitations (I mention too-high site: estimates in middle of the video, in the context of the “5 billion page” spammer whose best domain actually had <50K pages on it).
- watching individual data centers may not be the most productive use of your time. :)

As a bonus, at the beginning of the video I review some some schwag from the recent SES San Jose conference.

LG von Mario

30.08.2006 09:43