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Wie kann man eigendlich IP Blocken [3]

21 IX Z3R0 XI

hey aber was ist wenn der andere der anderer block aus dem internet und das für immer was kann man dan machen

10.11.2007 14:03

22 Rudy

gar nichts. außer trennen und neu einwählen, dass man eine neue IP bekommt, oder mit ihm reden.

10.11.2007 14:08 | geändert: 10.11.2007 14:09

23 IX Z3R0 XI

also bei mir ist es so um 2oder 3uhr nachts werde ich immer aus dem net rausgeworfen weil ich glaubich ne neu ip bekomme

10.11.2007 18:45

24 Rudy

Wenn Du trennst, etwas wartest und neu einwählst, bekommst Du normalerweise eine neue IP-Adresse. Die automatische Trennung wird wohl von Deinem Provider initiiert, meiner (Telecom Italia, Alice) macht dies bei mir jedenfalls nicht. Meist bekomme ich auch nach manueller Trennung und neu einwählen die gleiche IP wieder, wenn ich nicht zu lange offline bleibe.

10.11.2007 19:00 | geändert: 10.11.2007 19:01

25 final*reality (Gast)

dear jörg & members of this forum,

maybe, you think, that a realtime-system, which drops packetes from, to or through an ip under windoof will run tightly ? thats an illusion. thank microsoft for xtreme framework-destruction-releases.

you can set a router between your local-pc network & your modem.
but if you now know, that you are "safe", forget it.

routers will have an operating system, called os. mostly find linux, somtimes solarix, sometimes symbian, less times hardstyle ware.
check out for vuls on a interesing product, otherwise a non-friendly guests will be the consequence. in opposite of law against your personal brainstate, should know, that it can get an very moneyful end.

there are to read a lot of hidden papers, before you can think "i'm safe".

@ linux / sys-v members:
you should know, that products, which are providing services while using "STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR" vars, are more than high riskly. oh my god, were there also used by developing the .NET frameworks ? oh my god, java too... oops, the mickeysoft/IIS server knows the bible of 3rd party "the 3 monks".

a prominent example will be apache 1/2 series. if an non-regular, binary-line (simple charset) requests, a fallback will open a hidden way into the root-console. full featured, i mean. should not think, that a chroot is a locking mode. nope, the instances of primary system will answer on a fatal-error callback.

most of guests will not noted by admins. but they are all times latencing. check out for logs on console:
more /var/log/auth.log | grep successful

think, thats interesting, in front of the fact, that attackers come with the right pw on first login. how they made that ? scroll your eyes some lines back & enjoy the desaster of dirty-bug-mining.

it's not a question of a commercial or a free/open-source production, more an sub-fx of many years, where fastscripting was on demand. a question of brain.

the dragon says: who wanna fligh high, have to fly against the storm...

@ oldschoolerz.asm

n reboot.com
mov ah, 1
int 19


@ n00bz:

under dos will be reboot on hook-point "Starting Dos".
under windows will be the cmd-window will be closed.

4 bytes, simply, easy...

do you know, what we can make with 256 bytes of code ?

@ frameworkerz:

if you think, that a hardware-abstaction-layer is a breakpoint, you have lost your brain. there is no problem to use bios-calls. greatest laughing about "virtualizers", no vm will could be safe. we tested new mainboards with buildin bios vm-feature, nice try ~ but we call it rootkit, it isnt any other than this... ;-)

1st of all, check out, how you can get a real admin-state on your servers.
no policy, no law, now script, no softwareproduct will be more stable, than your brain. use it !

best regards

ps: sometimes php will be the fastest way into a webserver.

21.06.2008 23:16

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