Zur Navigation

Preise ändern per PHP

1 ShadowLupina


Ich möchte in meinem Shop die Preise der spanischen Produkte ändern, da sich das im Shop selbst nicht machen lässt..habe ich mir gedacht..ich versuche es über die PHP Datei.

Da ich in PHP, allerdings auch nicht so bewandert bin...dachte ich das ich meinen Ansatz erst mal hier poste bevor ich ihn umsetze...da ich nicht weiß ob ich nicht vielleicht was unwiederbringlich zerstöre.

Also ich dachte mir das ich folgende PHP Datei bearbeite: product_price.php

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
$Id: product_price.php 3569 2010-01-21 14:43:47Z hhgag $

H.H.G. multistore


Copyright (c) 2005-2010 H.H.G. group
based on:

(c) 2003-2005 xt:Commerce (product_price.php 1344 2005-11-14); www.xt-commerce.com

Released under the GNU General Public License
defined('_VALID_HHG_MS') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
require_once (DIR_WS_CORE_INC . 'get_proddata.inc.php');
$module_theme = new hhg_theme;
// Get Adminrights for this File:
$file_id = 30; // Rights ID from Database
$rights = $access->getFileAccess($file_id, $access->access['admin_class_id'], $access->access['admin_group_id']);
if (!$rights['admin_view']) {
	$module = $module_theme->fetch(CURRENT_THEME . '/admin/modules/error.html');
} else {
	$r_view = $rights['admin_view'];
	$r_edit = $rights['admin_edit'];
	$r_delete = $rights['admin_delete'];
	$r_new = $rights['admin_new'];
	// Admin Rights End
	if (($_GET['pID']) && (!$_POST)) {
		$product = hhg_db_query("select p.products_id, pd.products_name
	                               from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd
                                  where p.products_id = '" . (int)$_GET['pID'] . "'
                                  and p.products_id = pd.products_id
                                  and pd.language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'");
		$pInfo = new object_Info($product->fields);
	} elseif ($_POST) {
		$pInfo = new object_Info($_POST);
		$products_name = $_POST['products_name'];
	} else {
		$pInfo = new object_Info(array());
	$pprice = hhg_db_query("select products_price, products_quantity, products_model, products_shippingtime, products_calculated, products_calculated_by, products_price_ek, products_tax_class_id, products_discount_allowed from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_PRICE . " where products_id = '" . $pInfo->products_id . "' and store_id = '" . $_SESSION['actual_store'] . "'");
	$org_products_price = $pInfo->products_price;
	$org_products_price_ek = $pInfo->products_price_ek;
	$org_products_tax_class_id = $pInfo->products_tax_class_id;
	$org_products_discount_allowed = $pInfo->products_discount_allowed;
	$pInfo->products_price = $pprice->fields['products_price'];
	$pInfo->products_price_ek = $pprice->fields['products_price_ek'];
	$pInfo->products_quantity = $pprice->fields['products_quantity'];
	$pInfo->products_tax_class_id = $pprice->fields['products_tax_class_id'];
	$pInfo->products_discount_allowed = $pprice->fields['products_discount_allowed'];
	$pInfo->products_model = $pprice->fields['products_model'];
	$pInfo->products_shippingtime = $pprice->fields['products_shippingtime'];
	$pInfo->products_calculated = $pprice->fields['products_calculated'];
	$pInfo->products_calculated_by = $pprice->fields['products_calculated_by'];
	$tax_class_array = get_tax_classes();
	$shipping_statuses = get_shipping_status();
	$pcb_array = array(
			'id' => 'none',
			'text' => NONE
		) ,
			'id' => 'p',
			'text' => PRODUCT
		) ,
			'id' => 'm',
			'text' => MANUFACTURER
		) ,
			'id' => 'g',
			'text' => PRODUCT_GROUP
	$form_action = 'insert_product_price';
	$module_theme->assign('FORM_ACTION', hhg_draw_form('new_product', hhg_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES, 'cPath=' . $_GET['cPath'] . '&pID=' . $_GET['pID'] . '&action=' . $form_action) , 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'));
	$module_theme->assign('FORM_HEADING', sprintf(TEXT_NEW_PRODUCT, xtc_output_generated_category_path($current_category_id)));
	$module_theme->assign('FORM_END', '</form>');
	$module_theme->assign('FORM_SUBMIT', '<input type="submit" class="button" onClick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_SAVE . '"/>');
	$module_theme->assign('FORM_CANCEL', '<a class="button" href="' . hhg_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES, 'cPath=' . $cPath . '&pID=' . $_GET['pID']) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>');
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_ID', hhg_draw_input_field('products_id', $pInfo->products_id));
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_QUANTITY', hhg_draw_input_field('products_quantity', $pInfo->products_quantity, 'size=5'));
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_MODEL', hhg_draw_input_field('products_model', $pInfo->products_model));
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_SHIPPING', hhg_draw_pull_down_menu('shipping_status', $shipping_statuses, $pInfo->products_shippingtime));
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_CB', hhg_draw_pull_down_menu('products_calculated_by', $pcb_array, $pInfo->products_calculated_by));
	// Price & Groupprice Anfang
	require_once (DIR_FS_CORE_INC . 'inc.hhg_get_tax_rate.php');
	$xtPrice = new xtcPrice(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id']);
	$i = 0;
	$group_values = hhg_db_query("SELECT customers_status_image,
                                    " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_STATUS . "
                                    language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "' AND customers_status_id != '0'");
	while (!$group_values->EOF) {
		// load data into array
		$group_data[$i] = array(
			'STATUS_NAME' => $group_value->fields['customers_status_name'],
			'STATUS_IMAGE' => $group_value->fields['customers_status_image'],
			'STATUS_ID' => $group_value->fields['customers_status_id']
	// Multiplier
	$multi = hhg_db_query("select multiplier from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_CALCULATION . " where products_id = '" . $pInfo->products_id . "' and store_id = '" . $_SESSION['actual_store'] . "' ");
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_MULTIPLIER', hhg_draw_input_field('multiplier', $multi->fields['multiplier']));
	$customers_status = new customers_status();
	$customers_statuses_array = $customers_status->customersStatusList($_SESSION['actual_store']);
	foreach($customers_statuses_array as $customers_statuses) {
		$mmulti = hhg_db_query("select multiplier_" . $customers_statuses['id'] . " from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_CALCULATION . " where products_id = '" . $pInfo->products_id . "' and store_id = '" . $_SESSION['actual_store'] . "'  ");
		$module_multi_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('multiplier_' . $customers_statuses['id'], $mmulti->fields['multiplier_' . $customers_statuses['id'] . '']) . '&nbsp;' . $customers_statuses['text'] . '<br /><br />';
	$module_theme->assign('SHOW_CALCULATION', true);
	// Multiplier
	// Products Price EK Start
	$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . TEXT_PRODUCTS_PRICE_EK . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$products_price_ek = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price_ek * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100) , PRICE_PRECISION);
	} else {
		$products_price_ek = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price_ek, PRICE_PRECISION);
	$module_price_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('products_price_ek', $products_price_ek) . '&nbsp;';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$module_price_content.= TEXT_NETTO . ' <b>' . $xtPrice->xtcFormat($pInfo->products_price_ek, true) . '</b>';
	$module_price_content.= '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Products Price EK END
	// Products Price
	$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . TEXT_PRODUCTS_PRICE . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$products_price = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100) , PRICE_PRECISION);
	} else {
		$products_price = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price, PRICE_PRECISION);
	$module_price_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('products_price', $products_price) . '&nbsp;';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$module_price_content.= TEXT_NETTO . ' <b>' . $xtPrice->xtcFormat($pInfo->products_price, true) . '</b>';
	$module_price_content.= '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Products Price END
	// Group Price
	for ($col = 0, $n = sizeof($group_data); $col < $n + 1; $col++) {
		if ($group_data[$col]['STATUS_NAME'] != '') {
			$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
			$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . $group_data[$col]['STATUS_NAME'] . '</td>';
			$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">';
			if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
				$products_price = hhg_round(get_group_price($group_data[$col]['STATUS_ID'], $pInfo->products_id, $pInfo->products_owner) * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100) , PRICE_PRECISION);
			} else {
				$products_price = hhg_round(get_group_price($group_data[$col]['STATUS_ID'], $pInfo->products_id, $pInfo->products_owner) , PRICE_PRECISION);
			$module_price_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('products_price_' . $group_data[$col]['STATUS_ID'], $products_price);
			if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true' && get_group_price($group_data[$col]['STATUS_ID'], $pInfo->products_id, $pInfo->products_owner) != '0') {
				$module_price_content.= TEXT_NETTO . '<b>' . $xtPrice->xtcFormat(get_group_price($group_data[$col]['STATUS_ID'], $pInfo->products_id) , true) . '</b>  ';
			$module_price_content.= '</td>';
			$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Group Price END
	// Tax
	$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . TEXT_PRODUCTS_TAX_CLASS . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">' . hhg_draw_pull_down_menu('products_tax_class_id', $tax_class_array, $pInfo->products_tax_class_id) . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Tax End
	// Discount
	$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . TEXT_PRODUCTS_DISCOUNT_ALLOWED . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">' . hhg_draw_input_field('products_discount_allowed', $pInfo->products_discount_allowed) . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Discount End
	require_once (DIR_WS_CORE_INC . 'get_special_price.inc.php');
	$products_special = get_special_price($_SESSION['actual_store'], $pInfo->products_id);
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$products_special_price = hhg_round($products_special['specials_new_products_price'] * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100) , PRICE_PRECISION);
	} else {
		$products_special_price = hhg_round($products_special['specials_new_products_price'], PRICE_PRECISION);
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_SPECIAL_PRICE', hhg_draw_input_field('products_special_price', $products_special_price, 'size="10"'));
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_SPECIAL_QTY', hhg_draw_input_field('products_special_qty', $products_special['specials_quantity'], 'size="3"'));
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_SPECIAL_DATE', hhg_draw_input_field('products_special_date', $products_special['expires_date'], 'size="10"'));
	if (isset($products_special['status'])) {
		$spcheck = 'checked';
	$module_theme->assign('PRODUCTS_SPECIAL_STATUS', hhg_draw_checkbox_field('products_special_status', '1', $spcheck));
	// Price & Groupprice END
	$module_theme->assign('HIDDEN_DATE', hhg_draw_hidden_field('products_date_added', (($pInfo->products_date_added) ? $pInfo->products_date_added : date('Y-m-d'))));
	$module_theme->assign('HIDDEN_ID', hhg_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $pInfo->products_id));
	if ((SHOPPING_MALLS) && (STORE_KEY == 'b2788e1ab6be65f1c38bf7d23cd081f1')) {
		$module_theme->assign('SHOW_MALL', true);
		require_once (DIR_FS_CORE_INC . 'inc.hhg_get_store_name.php');
		$malls = explode(';', SHOPPING_MALLS);
		for ($i = 0; $n = sizeof($malls) , $i < $n; $i++) {
			$cat = hhg_db_query("SELECT categories_id FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " WHERE products_id = '" . $pInfo->products_id . "' and mall = '" . $malls[$i] . "'");
			$mall_name = hhg_get_store_name($malls[$i]);
			$module_mall_content.= '<b>' . $mall_name . ':</b>&nbsp;' . hhg_draw_input_field('mall_cat_' . $malls[$i] . '', $cat->fields['categories_id'], 'size="10"') . '<br>';
	$module_theme->assign('module_price_content', $module_price_content);
	$module_theme->assign('module_multi_content', $module_multi_content);
	$module_theme->assign('module_content', $module_content);
	$module = $module_theme->fetch(CURRENT_THEME . '/admin/modules/categories/product_price.html');
$theme->assign('main_content', $module);

und das ich dann an dieser Stelle:

// Products Price
	$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . TEXT_PRODUCTS_PRICE . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$products_price = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100) , PRICE_PRECISION);
	} else {
		$products_price = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price, PRICE_PRECISION);
	$module_price_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('products_price', $products_price) . '&nbsp;';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$module_price_content.= TEXT_NETTO . ' <b>' . $xtPrice->xtcFormat($pInfo->products_price, true) . '</b>';
	$module_price_content.= '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Products Price END

folgenden Befehl einfüge

if (lang == 'es'){
     $products_price = products_price + 10;

Ziel ist es dabei das sämtliche spanische Preise um 10 € erhöht werden...würde das so funktionieren?

[Edit Jörg: Zitat-Block in Code-Block geändert]

11.12.2013 10:21 | geändert von Jörg: 11.12.2013 12:15

2 Jörg Kruse

da ich nicht weiß ob ich nicht vielleicht was unwiederbringlich zerstöre.

Bei Änderungen würde ich grundsätzlich eine Kopie der ungeänderten Datei anlegen.

folgenden Befehl einfüge

if (lang == 'es'){
     $products_price = products_price + 10;

Ziel ist es dabei das sämtliche spanische Preise um 10 € erhöht werden...würde das so funktionieren?

Ein Variablenname fängt in PHP immer mit einem $ an, also $lang und $products_price

Die Frage ist, ob $lang denn definiert ist? in dem von dir geposteten Code kommt eine solche Variable ansonsten nirgends vor

Im Code gibt es noch ein $_SESSION['languages_id'], wobei aber nicht ersichtlich ist, welche Werte diese Variable enthalten kann.

11.12.2013 12:27

3 ShadowLupina

Zitat von Jörg
da ich nicht weiß ob ich nicht vielleicht was unwiederbringlich zerstöre.

Bei Änderungen würde ich grundsätzlich eine Kopie der ungeänderten Datei anlegen.

folgenden Befehl einfüge

if (lang == 'es'){
     $products_price = products_price + 10;

Ziel ist es dabei das sämtliche spanische Preise um 10 € erhöht werden...würde das so funktionieren?

Ein Variablenname fängt in PHP immer mit einem $ an, also $lang und $products_price

Die Frage ist, ob $lang denn definiert ist? in dem von dir geposteten Code kommt eine solche Variable ansonsten nirgends vor

Im Code gibt es noch ein $_SESSION['languages_id'], wobei aber nicht ersichtlich ist, welche Werte diese Variable enthalten kann.

Ok eine Sicherung von der Datei habe ich...und durch einen Blick in die Datenbank konnte ich feststellen, dass die languages_id für spanisch die 3 ist....werd mal schauen ob ich mit diesen Infos was hinbekomme

12.12.2013 11:56

4 ShadowLupina

Ich hab jetzt folgendes versucht

// Products Price
	$module_price_content.= '<tr class="dataTableRow">';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="20%">' . TEXT_PRODUCTS_PRICE . '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '<td class="dataTableContent" align="left" width="80%">';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$products_price = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100) , PRICE_PRECISION);
	} else {
		$products_price = hhg_round($pInfo->products_price, PRICE_PRECISION);
	$module_price_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('products_price', $products_price) . '&nbsp;';
	if (PRICE_IS_BRUTTO == 'true') {
		$module_price_content.= TEXT_NETTO . ' <b>' . $xtPrice->xtcFormat($pInfo->products_price, true) . '</b>';
	//EinbauPreisaenderung spanischer Produkte
	if ($_SESSION['languages_id'] = 3){
		$products_price = $products_price + 10;
	$module_price_content.= '</td>';
	$module_price_content.= '</tr>';
	// Products Price END

Aber es wird irgendwie keine Änderung sichtbar...ist da noch was nicht korrekt?

Ich habe meine Änderung einkommentiert damit es nicht zu Fehlern kommt die ich nicht sehe

12.12.2013 12:12 | geändert: 12.12.2013 12:23

5 Jörg Kruse

An der Stelle wurde der Preis bereits in den Content eingefügt:

module_price_content.= hhg_draw_input_field('products_price', $products_price) . '&nbsp;';

Du musst den spanischen Aufschlag also schon weiter oben einbauen - am besten ganz an den Anfang des von dir geposteten Code-Ausschnitts

12.12.2013 14:54

6 ShadowLupina

Bringt leider auch nichts...hab auch mal versucht das session wegzulassen und nur nach der id zu fragen...hat aber auch keinen effekt

12.12.2013 15:09

8 ShadowLupina

Ok danke...hab ich korrigiert bringt aber auch nichts

hier steht ja dieses pinfo vor der berechnung

($pInfo->products_price * ((100 + hhg_get_tax_rate($pInfo->products_tax_class_id)) / 100

muss ich das vlt auch machen?

12.12.2013 17:20

9 ShadowLupina

Ok ich habs so versucht:

bewirkt aber keine Änderung

	if ($_SESSION['languages_id'] == 3){
        $products_price = $pInfo->products_price + 10;

12.12.2013 17:26

10 Jörg Kruse

Bitte zeig den gesamten Code

12.12.2013 17:27